Labatt Blue Light Seltzer

Executive Summary: Labatt Blue has a long standing histroy in the beer game. Now, they’re ready to expand their  into the hard seltzer category. We understood it’s a saturated market, so in order to for folks to pick them over the rest, we wanted to show how you can effortlessly set the perfect vibe with Labatt Blue Light Seltzer.


Task: The objective is to launch Labatt Blue Light Seltzer in key urban markets—New York City, Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles, and Austin—by increasing brand awareness and creating buzz.

The primary challenge is breaking through the saturated hard seltzer market, where established brands already dominate consumer preference and shelf space. Capturing the attention of urban audiences—who are bombarded with choices and marketing noise—requires differentiating Labatt Blue Light Seltzer with a unique and compelling value proposition.


Vestibulum et dignissim magna. Nullam at ultrices felis. Suspendisse facilisis sagittis sem sit amet tempor. Nam sit amet nibh et enim laoreet porta sit amet vel purus.

Maecenas augue velit, feugiat in maximus id, auctor vel ex. Integer placerat massa nec tellus convallis aliquet. Nam lobortis lectus mi, vel molestie neque dictum at.

Insight: Vivamus sed sapien fermentum, fermentum metus ut, efficitur nunc. Pellentesque sit amet ex sed est dapibus vestibulum. Donec ornare urna metus, ut mollis risus dignissim in.

Reason to Believe: Phasellus tristique sed leo et dignissim. Nam lobortis vitae leo at finibus. Aliquam eget efficitur lacus. Quisque nunc nisi, dictum at sodales sed, ornare vel dolor.

Strategic Approach: Sed rhoncus placerat ante rutrum condimentum. Fusce nunc sapien, sodales et consectetur at, sodales egestas lectus.

