American Seafood Council
Seafood Industry
Challenge: People are eating significantly less seafood compared to beef or poultry. Many hold preconceived notions about seafood, questioning its sustainability, cost, and unfamiliarity.
Opportunity: These preconceived notions present a significant opportunity to educate people and highlight the value seafood can bring to their eating habits. It's about showcasing seafood's potential—proving it's not just reserved for Michelin-starred chefs or high-end sushi restaurants. Seafood is accessible, versatile, and doesn't require a hefty budget to enjoy.
Audience: The Adaptive Adventurer is a busy individual looking to shake up their routine without adding stress to their life. They’re open to novelty but hesitant to take risks unless they feel supported. By framing seafood as a small, exciting change that aligns with their values (growth, convenience, accomplishment), we can inspire them to dive in and explore the possibilities.
Problem: People’s lives are getting increasingly busy and overwhelming. and seafood is seen as an addatiive to that ; whether it be cost, preparation, or sustaibility factors.
Insight: They believe any deviation, even one that could ease their life, may create unnecessary complications, however novelty breeds positive opportunity.
Reason to Believe: Seafood embodies this growth — it’s versatile, actually easy to cook, and trying new dishes unlocks confidence and exciting experiences. By encouraging people to experiment with seafood, the campaign inspires them to embrace discomfort in a way that feels approachable and rewarding.
Strategic Approach: Small changes can open up an entire ocean of possibilities, and we’re here to help you dive in.
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